The Grand Foyer of the Musik- und Kongresshalle Lübeck


The atmosphere in our 500+ square meter foyer is friendly and inviting. It offers 1,200 standing places or alternatively 350 places for a standing reception. The foyer provides space for a successful start to your event. Friendly staff will be on hand to assist with jackets and coats at the cloakroom.

Our professional, friendly service team will assist you with a fitting reception for your guests. You can register participants here and have fingerfood and refreshments served. This makes the foyer a pleasant place to meet.

At a glance:

Foyer 534 m²

Standing reception

Standing room

Location in the MUK

The foyer in pictures

Request for quotation

Please fill out the form as precisely as possible at this stage in the planning process so that we can provide you with as accurate a quote as possible. We are already looking forward to working with you and will contact you immediately!

Please add 8 and 3.


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